
Governance of the South Asia Biobank: Ensuring Ethical and Transparent Research

The South Asia Biobank is overseen by a dedicated Steering Committee, with Professor Jaspal Singh Kooner serving as the Principal Investigator since 2002. Based at Imperial College London, the South Asia Biobank benefits from a team of experts managing its day-to-day operations, including IT development, data management, long-term follow-up, event validation, statistical support, genetics and biosamples, as well as administration and general support.

The South Asia Biobank has an ‘Access Committee’ that ensures the ethical and appropriate use of the biobank’s resources. This committee includes the Principal Investigator (PI), co-investigators, an external epidemiologist, a representative from the South Asian community, and the database manager. The Access Committee reviews applications from research groups wishing to utilise the biobank’s samples and data, ensuring that all requests are in line with the study’s objectives and ethical guidelines.

This structure ensures that the South Asia Biobank operates with the highest standards of governance, transparency, and scientific integrity, fostering valuable research to improve health outcomes for South Asians globally.


Participant Information Leaflet

Consent Form



Participant Information Leaflet

Consent Form
